Auto Insurance : What is Liability Insurance? – 1 Minute with Beaux
We're gonna start today with talking about
liability insurance. Liability Insurance is the piece of that auto policy that protects you. What
it does is it will take care of any sort of claims or payments, that you are legally responsible to
have somebody else for either bodily injury or property damage. The reality is, is nobody
wants to have an auto accident. You know, it's called exactly that "an accident". You
know, no prudent person wants to either have one, or even plans to ever have one, but they just
happen. You know, things just happen. It's a very distracted world, you know, and there's lots
of things going on. Sometimes it just happens. Well, there are two different types
of policies that you can get as far as the liability limits are concerned.
of them is a CSL or a combined single limit, which is not very common, or the more common
that you probably have is a split limit..